Jehovah's Witnesses The Fastest Growing Christian Organization on Earth-1Bible 1Truth
You may have been contemplating on the ever growing religious group on earth. So you may ask:
What is the fastest growing religious denomination on earth? Or what Christian organization keeps increasing in number? If you want true answers to these questions, then keep reading…
Religion has played a major role in the live of humankind. Why? This is because worship has been down –written in the hearts of mankind. From the cradle to the grave, mankind craves to honor a superficial being. This in turn results in religion—belief in the existence of a supernatural ruling power.
Today, there exists thousands, even millions of religious groups (denominations and sects) around the globe.
Nevertheless, for many reasons, almost all of these denominations are quickly losing members.
However, whilst some religions loose members, there is one that is growing at a very quick pace. That is a Christian organization.
What is the fastest growing Christian denomination?
Fact Sheet of the Bible
Researchers have proved to the fact that there is a particular Christian denomination that is increasing in number despite the fact that others are massively losing members.
On the other hand, God the almighty also promised of making His people a great nation. Today, God has a chosen group of people whom he cares for and protects them just as he did to the nation of Israel of old.
To these peoples—who are selected from all over the world and from different languages, lands and culture—God has promised to let their numbers multiply.
So we read at Isaiah 60:22 that:
“The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.
I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.”
This prophecy has been fulfilled and again another prophecy is on going in its fulfillment.
At Isaiah 2:2, 3 we read:
“In the final part of the days,
The mountain of the house of Jehovah
Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,
And it will be raised up above the hills,
And to it all the nations will stream.
And many peoples will go and say:
“Come let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah…
He will instruct us about his ways,
And we will walk in his paths.”…
Religions are like mountains. In this case, many people from different religions that are known to be popular and large will turn their faces to the one and only denomination of the true God. The religion formally known to be “The little”.
No doubt that God himself, the creator of heaven and earth will control matters and hasten the growth of that Christian denomination.
Will there be a challenger? No way!
Note that the true God can NEVER lie! Titus 1:2.
Facts from Researchers
Recently, some curious group conducted a survey on religion. The aim was to know the fastest growing religions group on earth.What was the results?
Watch the video below.
Another proof is a graph that shows the yearly increase of the witnesses below.
Yet another powerful tool of the Witnesses is their Website which has become the giant on the Web platform. is increasingly becoming the most visited Website. It is now rated among the top Websites online.
JW.ORG Facts and Figures
316 Languages in which the Web site is available220,000+ Number of Web pages on the site
600 Languages in which downloadable publications are available
130 Requests for Bible studies per day from over 230 countries
5 million+ Videos viewed per month
1.5 million Downloads per day
900,000+ Visits per day from over 230 countries
Why Are Jehovah’s Witnesses the Fastest Growing Christian Religion?
When asked, the simple answer given was quoted from Matthew 28:18-20 which reads:18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”
Jesus’ main aim was to teach and proclaim the good news of the heavenly kingdom. For that reason, the JWs believe that, Jesus is currently in heaven steering the affairs of congregations in their preaching work on earth as promised.
So whilst some religions build wealth for their churches through many means, Jehovah’s Witnesses focus on building and renovating lives through free Bible based education worldwide.
As a result of giving out free Bibles and free Bible based books /literature they have won the hearts of millions.
True, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are popularly known as the most active preachers of the good news of the Kingdom of God worldwide.
Since 1879, the Watchtower magazine has been published by Jehovah’s Witnesses twice a month till date. Currently, a total number of 45,944,000 copies are printed for each issue of Watchtower in 213 languages and 44,748,000 per issue of the Awake magazine is also printed semi monthly in 99 languages.
Additionally, other books, brochures, tracts, videos and the Bible are published and distributed for free every year. Watch video below:
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JW Preaching Worldwide |
No doubt that Jehovah’s Witnesses are increasingly spreading with the help of Jehovah God who affirmed his support by inscribing the following statement in the Bible.
He said: “You are my witnesses,” Declares Jehovah,
“Yes, my servant whom I have chosen,
So that you may know and have faith in me.”…
“I am the One who declared and saved and made known
When there was no foreign god among you.
So you are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, and I am God. —Isaiah 43:10,12
In conclusion, these are proof of true happenings of religion.
We all have 1 Bible with 1 Truth. There are no deviations or contradiction whatsoever. Because originator of the Bible is 1 True God, his word is 1 truth.
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