The Bible and Your Life

The Bible, referred to as the DIVINE LIBRARY  is a written revelation from the Sovereign Lord Jehovah to all people on this earth. THE Holy Bible is a book that is accepted as the inspired guide for determining truth.  Sanctifying God’s Kingdom is the overriding theme of the entire Bible.
The Bible has real power in the lives of those who submit to divine instructions. Today, the lives of many are ruined by poverty, tragedy and unforeseen occurrences.  This is a clear indication that we need a supernatural guidance.
Why Mankind Needed the Bible.   In fact, Jehovah had, of course, been Sovereign Ruler long before humans existed. As the true God and as a Creator, he was respected and obeyed by angelic sons numbering into the millions. ( Psalm 103:20-22; Daniel 7:10) He was, from the beginning of creation, recognized as the One whose will was rightfully supreme. God exercised His Sovereignty toward the creatures of heaven so they obeyed. They recognized his authority and his right to issue commands. Likewise, the first humans, Adam and Eve knew Jehovah as God, the Creator of heaven and earth. God exercised his sovereignty toward man in Eden. The relationship between God and man called for obedience such as the obedience a son renders to his father. (Compare Lu 3:38.) Man had just some simple rules to fulfill. God’s requirements were simple and purposeful. There was nothing to indicate that Adam was made to feel inhibited by constant, critical supervision of his every action; rather, God periodically communicated with perfect man, according to need.--Gen chapters 1-3.
There came to a turning point. One of God's angelic sons turned to rebel against God's rightful authority. (Read Genesis 3:17-19) This angel became bad and made the first human pair’s open violation of God’s command. Then  immediately after that, God decreed a prophecy saying:" And I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.”--Gen 3:15
This prophecy, couched in symbolic phrase, setting forth his purpose to use an agency, a “seed,” to effect the ultimate crushing of the rebel forces. Thus, Jehovah’s rulership, would take on a new aspect or expression in answer to the insurrection that had developed. Conditions have changed from the time of the start of human rebellion until now. This clearly illustrates mankind’s need for divine guidance--THE BIBLE(Jeremiah 10:23). Human society soon had to contend with disunity, bodily assault, and murder. (Read Ge 4:2-9, 23, 24)
After the rebellion, Jehovah foresaw that conditions will deteriorate to the point that the earth will become filled with violence. Ecclesiastes 7:9 says:"All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, [during] the time that man has dominated man to his injury."

 So by inspiration, God put into the hearts of some forty (40) faithful men to pen down His purposes that all His earthly creatures will witness and to decide whose "side" YOU and I will take. Romans 15:4 states:"For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope."

A Critical Issue at Stake. Each one of us have to ask whether he/she is on the right path.
Are you guided by Bible truth?
Why you need to know the truth. At John 17:3, it is said:"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." This means getting to understand the connection between Jehovah and Jesus, their purpose, and adhering to God's commands will mean life for ever.
When on earth, Jesus said to the Jews that had believed him: “If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples, and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free."--John 8:32.
It is therefore important to search for the truth and be set free from today's troubled wold and tomorrows
 great war of Armageddon. Then you must trust the Bible. Is the Bible trustworthy?


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